Health Benefits of Coconut

Coconuts (Cocos nucifera) are known for their uses ranging from food to cosmetics. The inner flesh of the mature seed as well as the coconut milk extracted from it used as a part of regular diet of many people. Coconut is rich in Vitamin A & C, as well as minerals & proteins. Coconut is nutritious having many health benefits.
  • The medium-chain triglycerides found in Coconut & coconut oil are believed to increase rate of metabolism, that burns body fat quickly & promotes weight loss.
  • Taking 1 tablespoon of crushed Coconut in breakfast for a week , treats intestinal worms.
  • Coconut milk has antibacterial property that helps in killing ulcer-causing bacteria.
  • Coconut oil is beneficial in treating wounds, burns & dermatitis.
  • Coconut oil is rich in antioxidants that slow the aging process.
  • Organic coconut oil is applied to the scalp for hair growth.
  • Applying coconut water onto affected skin treats acne, age spots, wrinkles, & stretch marks.
  • Abundant in Vitamins, minerals & other nutrients, coconut water is wonderful energy drink.
  • Coconut water is used to treat dehydration caused by dysentery, cholera & diarrhea.
 Also Read: Amazing Health Benefits of Turmeric
                    How to make virgin coconut oil at home
