How To Make Virgin Coconut Oil At Home & It's Benefits

making of organic coconut oil at home

Purest form of coconut oil is called virgin coconut oil, has great health benefits. And it is the best among all coconut oil available in the market. It has antibacterial and antifungal properties.

You can prepare virgin coconut oil at home with little effort & it is also cost effective.

And Here is the Recipe of Virgin Coconut oil:

  • Take 2 mature, brown coconuts rather than green one, split them with a sharp cleaver.
  • Heat 4 cups of water
  • Scoop out the meat of 2 coconuts & grate it into a bowl.
  • Put the grated coconut in a blender. Pour warm water over the coconut & blend it. Hold the lid of the blender in place till it converted into a smooth mixture.
  • Strain the coconut liquid using cheesecloth or a strainer.
  • Boil the coconut liquid in medium flame, bring it to a boil & cook, stirring constantly until the water was evaporated & the cream has separated from the oil & turned brown.
  • Let it to be cool, and then store it in a bottle for use.

Benefits of coconut oil

  • Can be used as deep conditioner for Dry hair.
  •   Used as a lip moisturiser.
  • Can be mixed with sugar to be used as a natural body scrub.
  • Can be used as eye makeup remover.
  • Can be applied on wounds for speedy recovery. 
 Also Read: Health Benefits of Coconut
