5 Effective Home Remedies To Treat Fever



When the body’s temperature is higher than the body’s natural temperature i.e 37 degree Celsius or 98.6 degree Fahrenheit is generally called fever. Fever is the body’s natural reaction to fight itself against infection, such as cold and flu, or due to accumulation of excess toxins. Infection may be bacterial or viral.

There are some amazing home remedies to treat fever..

1. Basil Leaves (Ocimum sanctum)

holy basil for fever

Basil leaves helps in reducing fever as it has antibiotic properties.

Take handful of basil leaves, add 1 teaspoon of crushed ginger in it, boil it with 2cups of water and strain it when reduced to 1 cup, add little honey to it and have it 2 or 3 times a day for 2-3 days

2. Garlic (Allium sativum)

garlic for fever


Garlic is very helpful to treat infections as it has both antibacterial and antiviral properties, that‘s why it is very helpful to reduce the body temperature in fever.

Crush 2 garlic cloves and add it to 1cup of warm water. Let it be for 10 minutes, then strain it and drink twice a day.

3. Giloy (Tinospora corfolia)

giloy for fever


Giloy is very helpful in treating fever as it increases immunity and has Antipyretic properties.

Take a finger long of Giloy stem (fresh), wash it & crush it. Take 1 glass of water add crushed Giloy stems to it & boil it until becomes half. Strain the water and have it lukewarm.

4. Parijat Leaf (Nyctanthes arbor-tristis)

parijat, harsingar

This Parijat leaf is very helpful in treating fever.

Take 2-3 leaves of Parijat, crush it and strain the juice add little honey to it and have it in empty stomach in morning and evening. Take it for 2 days.

5. Neem ( Azadirachta indica)

neem for fever


Neem has antibacterial, Anti-fungal, antiviral as well as Antipyretic properties.

Boil 3-4 neem leaves in 2cups of water till it reduced to half, strain the water & add little honey to it let it be cool a little & have it lukewarm. Take it 2 times a day.

Note: If these remedies are not helpful then consult your doctor immediately

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