How to Get Rid of Dark Spots Naturally

Dark spots are also known as Black Spots & they can be stubborn to remove. There can be lot of reasons behind these spots like scarring, Acne marks & tanning.

Here are some natural remedies to treat Dark Spots:

1.Lemon juice

Lemon is rich in vitamin C, it is a natural exploiting agent & a bleach, helps in lightening Dark Spots on the skin. Rub lemon juice on dark spots, allow the juice to dry naturally, and then rinse the area with cool water. If your skin is sensitive to lemon juice, you can add some Rose water or normal water to it. 

How to Get Rid of Dark spots Naturally

Note: Do not apply it around or under your eyes.


It is rich in Vitamin C and antioxidants. Make a puree & massage it on your skin for 10 minutes & wash it off with cold water.

How to Get Rid of Dark spots Naturally

3.Vitamin E oil

Being an antioxidant, it helps in fading dark spots & other blemishes on skin. Massage Vitamin E oil everyday on the skin for great results. Vitamin E oil capsules are easily available in medical stores. Poke a hole in the Vitamin E capsule with the help of a needle & squeeze the oil out.

How to Get Rid of Dark spots Naturally

4.Aloe Vera gel

Apply pure Aloe Vera gel on the dark spots, massage the area for few minutes & let it to dry, and then rinse it off with normal water. Do this on regular basis for a better result.

How to Get Rid of Dark spots Naturally

5.Butter milk

Butter milk contains lactic acid that can treat dark spots. Just apply it on the dark spots, let it be for some time then wash it off with normal water. Do not apply it around eyes.

How to Get Rid of Dark spots Naturally


Slice up a potato into thin slices, apply a tiny bit of water to potato slices & place them on the areas with dark spots, leave the slices on for 10 minutes.

How to Get Rid of Dark spots Naturally


Mix ½ teaspoon of Turmeric, 1 teaspoon of lemon juice & 2 teaspoon of milk, make a thin paste & apply all over your face wash it off with clean water after 20 minutes.

Also Read: Amazing Benefits of Turmeric

How to Get Rid of Dark spots Naturally

                   HOME REMEDIES FOR ACNE
