Immune Boosting Ayurvedic Kadha Or Decoction Recipies

Ayurvedic Immune Booster

"Kadha" is an Ayurvedic Remedy Used since ancient times to treat cold, flu & seasonal Infections.
Kadha mainly is an Ayurvedic drink that includes herbs & spices that are boiled in water.
Kadha / Decoction mainly treats cold & flu by increasing Body's Natural Immunity.

1. Giloy(Tinispora cordifolia), Neem & Tulsi(Holy Basil) Kadha

  •  7-8 Neem leaves
  •  5-6 Holy basil leaves
  •  2 Small branches of giloy

Immune Booster

Peel the giloy branches, chop it & crush it with neem & holy basil leaves by adding some water. Mix 1 glass of water to it & boil it over medium heat until it reduced to half. Strain it & drink it as it is a little warm not too hot.

2. Ginger, Cinnamon, Clove & Black Pepper Kadha
  • 1tbsp black pepper
  • 2 tbsp ginger paste
  • 1tbsp cinnamon
  • Honey(optional)

Mix all the ingredients (except honey) & make a paste by adding some water. Boil the paste by adding 1 glass of water to it. Boil until about 1cup of solution left. Strain it & add honey (optional), then consume it when it is warm.

Read Also: 5 Effective Home Remedies To Treat Fever

3.Tulsi, Clove & Ginger Kadha


  • 7-8 holy basil or Tulsi leaves
  • 5-6 cloves
  • 1 tbsp ginger root paste
  •  Honey/ Jaggery(optional)

immune booster

Mix all the ingredients (except optional) & crush them all together, add 1 glass of water to it & boil until it becomes 1 cup. Strain it & add Jaggery or honey according to your taste & drink it warm.

