common cold,flu,remedies,home remedies
Different types of viruses are known to cause the common cold of which the rhinovirus is the most common one. When you come in contact with the cold virus,you can easily infect by the virus. Indian households still believe on home remedies to cure common cold & cough, these home remedies are also free from any side effects. Some home remedies to treat common cold are..

1 Ginger Tea:

  Boil a few slices of raw ginger root in water and take it, it may help soothe a cough or sore throat.

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2 Garlic:

    Take 1-2 garlic pieces crush it & ingest it along with 1 tablespoon honey. Garlic has antimicrobial and antiviral compounds that can kill the cold causing virus.

3 Honey:

  Simply ingest 1 tablespoon raw honey twice a day. It can also be added to a glass of warm milk & had before going to bed.

4 Herbal tea:

   Take 1-2 inch piece of ginger, 2 black peppercorns, 5-7 holy basil leaves, 4-5 cloves crush them, add 2 cups of water & boil until the volume reduces to half. Strain it, add honey & have a cup or two of this in the day.

5 Cinnamon:

  Take half spoon of honey, add a few drops of lemon & a pinch of cinnamon. Have this twice a day.

Read also: Home remedies for wet cough


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