Are You Misusing Antibiotics?

Antibiotics are Mainly Used to Treat Bacterial Infections. Antibiotics do not treat Viral Infections such as Colds & Flu. Misuse of Antibiotics leads to Antibiotic Resistance.

What is Antibiotic Resistance?

When Bacteria become capable to survive the Antibiotic, which is used to treat Bacterial infection.

What Causes Antibiotic Resistance?

  • Unnecessary use of Antibiotics for Viral Infections
  • Quitting the treatment too soon
  • Use of Antibiotics in Animal Husbandry

Overall, Misuse of Antibiotics or wide spread of Antibiotics leads to Antibiotic Resistance.

Misuse of Antibiotics results in incomplete elimination of Bacterial Infection that leads to survival of Bacteria that evolved to Antibiotic Resistance Bacteria.

The most common misuse of Antibiotics is, People believe that Antibiotics are effective for common cold, but the common cold is caused by Virus. And the unnecessary use of antibiotics causes the Antibiotic Resistance.

Overuse of Antibiotics in Animal Husbandry for Food Production is also leads to Antibiotic Resistance. Antibiotics are used in animal feed that causes the development of Antibiotic Resistance Bacteria in their body. And the Antibiotic Resistance Bacteria in meat, may transfer the antibiotic resistance gene to Human Bacteria.


  • Using Antibiotics only when Prescribed by Doctor
  • Completing full Prescription
  • Never use Leftover Prescription
  • Preventing unnecessary use of Antibiotics in Animal Husbandry
  • Washing hands before eating or after the toilet, can limit the transfer of Antibiotic Resistance Bacteria
  • Beware of Eating & Drinking when Traveling
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