Diabetes Home Remedies - 5 Natural Ways To Treat Diabetes

Now a days, Every 5 out of 10 Persons are Affected with Diabetes & the Number is Increasing day by day. High Blood Sugar Level leads to Diabetes. Primary Reasons behind Diabetes are, when body does not produce enough Insulin or when body does not Response to Insulin.

Here are some Natural Remedies to treat Diabetes:

1.Jamun Fruit (Syzygium cumini)

Dry the seeds of Jamun Fruit & make a fine Powder. Take 3-4 times a day with water to decrease sugar level in blood.

Jamun fruit contains a glycoside Jamboline, which prevents the conversion of starch into sugar if glucose level is high in blood. It is also helpful to increase insulin level.

2.Bitter melon (Karela)

Bitter melon is very helpful to treat diabetes. Taking juice of 3-4 bitter melon’s on empty stomach every morning is more preferred.

It helps by removing barrier those create hindrance for cells to utilize insulin & by stimulating the production of insulin in body.

3.Amla & Aloe Vera Juice

Mix 15ml of Amla juice with 10ml of Aloe Vera juice & drink every morning with empty stomach.

Amla & Aloe Vera contains properties that help in regulating blood sugar level.

4.Bay Leaf (Tejpatta)

It improves insulin function & is a very good remedy to treat Diabetes.

Make a fine powder of dry Bay leaves & take this powder every morning with lukewarm water.
Bay leaves containing polyphenol, helps in controlling blood glucose level.


Taking raw or cooked Garlic helps blood circulation & regulates blood sugar level.

 Garlic containing Alicin helps in controlling Diabetes.
Note:This article is only for Type 2 diabetes only


  1. Five natural ways to treat diabetes is best information for all diabetic people. Ayurvedic Diabetic Supplements is also effective.


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