6 Effective Natural Remedies for Headache

Headache is a common problem faced by all ages of people. It is better to try some home remedies than chemically composed pain killers.
Effective Natural Remedies for Headache

1 Chandan or Sandalwood

Take one teaspoon of sandalwood powder and add some water to it, make a paste. Apply it on your forehead and let it for 20 minutes.

2 Betel Leaves

Effective Natural Remedies for Headache
Betel is known for its analgesic properties. It helps you to get rid of headache effectively. Take a few leaves of betel & make a paste out of the leave and apply it on forehead.

3 Clove

Effective Natural Remedies for Headache
Make a paste of clove with water or mix 4 drops of clove oil with salt, and apply it on your forehead.

4 Ginger Tea

Effective Natural Remedies for Headache
Make a tea by pouring 3 cups water over 2 tablespoon freshly grated ginger. Let it to boil, then strain it. Sip the tea for relief.

Also Read:Health benefits of Ginger

5 Tea or Coffee

Effective Natural Remedies for Headache
Sipping on beverages that contain caffeine, such as tea or coffee, may provide relief from headache.

6 Nutmeg (Jaifal)

Effective Natural Remedies for Headache
Make a paste of nutmeg powder and water and massage on your forehead.

                 BACK PAIN HOME REMEDIES
